Selasa, 01 Maret 2016

Traditional ice cream recipe Chocolate Flavor Soft and Simple

Chocolate ice cream recipes How to Make Your Own At Home - Ice cream yummyy: g, Who does not like the food that is soft and super tasty this? From childhood to young and old loved it.Strange when there who do not like ice cream. In the past the ice cream itself is a luxury food that can only be served at special occasions such. In the future, making ice cream is very troublesome. Due to make the necessary ice of a frozen lake or pond in the winter. Then drawn and quartered in a haystack, a hole in the ground, or any place where the ice is not melting fast.That's where the ice is stored for use during the summer.

Recipes How to Make Ice Cream Flavor Chocolate Soft Traditional and Simplified
Illustration Figure Recipe Chocolate Ice Cream

Fortunately today, the ice cream was able easily to be encountered. The price ranges from cheap to expensive. Depending on the budget we have, only $ 5,000 we are able to buy ice cream ready in your nearest supermarket. But a different story if you want to make your own ice cream.

History Origin of Ice Cream

Before I discuss more about the materials to be prepared, we consider first the history of ice cream further below. Some say the ice cream invented by the Chinese around the year 700 AD.Emperor Tang of Shang Dynasty is a culinary enthusiast. At that time he asked the chef palace to make ice cream from a mixture of snow.

Delicious Chocolate Ice Cream Recipes and Easy
 History Origin of Ice Cream

Another story also says that the ice cream came when their trade relations between China and Italy. Marcopolo, the explorers brought ice cream recipes to their own country. In contrast to the original recipe, Italian-style ice cream is combined with a mixture of syrup and ice. Italian-style ice cream then enjoyed by the nobility of Europe and spread throughout the world.
In America, the new ice cream popular in the 19th century, along with the invention of the ice cream maker. The term ice cream itself is derived from the American colonies, which means that the ice cram phase.
In Indonesia, the ice cream was brought by the Dutch colonial invaders known as Ice Cream Saloon. Ice Cream Saloon is the first stand and of course can only be enjoyed in the large cities.At that time the ice cream is luxurious and expensive snacks, and mostly only the Netherlands to enjoy it.

How to make Chocolate Ice Cream This soft is quite simple and easy because of the way to make ice creamnya without an engine. You can make it at home. Rather than buy it, eat the homemade at home feel more comfortable and enjoyable. Ways of making chocolate ice cream following:

A necessary ingredient in making Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe: 

The following materials must be prepared to make chocolate ice cream. Quite easy and simple. :-)
  • 1/4 kg of sugar
  • 1/2 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder 
  • salt and vanilla to taste

How to make Chocolate Ice Cream Recipes Without Machine:

How to make chocolate ice cream I used the machine without ya know. It is intended for beginners who are just learning to cook can follow step by step with ease.

Chocolate Ice Cream recipes Simple and Easy

Illustration Figure Make Chocolate Ice Cream

  1. Separate the egg yolks and whites. Take the egg yolks, then mix the egg yolks with the sugar, then stir with a mixer until fluffy Recipes How to Make Ice Cream Flavor Chocolate Soft Traditional and Simplified
  2. After that, the egg white mixed with vanilla and salt to taste, stir again until well blended and fluffy.
  3. 1 Mix the dough with the dough 2 above and boil while stirring continuously. Dissolve the chocolate with the milk and then insert it into the dough that has been simmering. Stir constantly until completely thickens, then remove and allow to cool.
Once cool, put into Ice Cream Cup frezeer that this increased tender and delicious. Good luck this Ice Cream Recipes Traditional ice cream recipe Chocolate Flavor Soft and Simple

Tips to Make Your Own Ice Cream

 Here are tips on how to make ice cream so the ice cream that you create successful: D

  1. The bowl that has been filled by ice cream should be stored in the freezer and wrapped tightly in plastic bags. It normally takes at least 24 hours.
  2. To prevent the formation of ice crystals, cover the surface with a layer of wax paper plasik or before the container is closed.
  3. The ice cream is homemade itself will remain good until the week . After passing week , the ice cream will begin to lose flavor and texture of softness . It is advisable to eat before crossed the line a week.
  4. Add extracts ( vanilla, maple , almond , etc. ) to add flavor in ice cream.

Benefits of Ice Cream In Everyday Life

No doubt the ice cream has a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to health. The ice cream is soft is rich in fat, sugar, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, D, B12, amino acid and pantothenic acid, among others, can prevent osteoporosis and reduce the pressure blood. The content of the milk therein can stimulate saliva, reducing the acidity of the mouth, reduce plaque and prevent cavities.

Benefits of Ice Cream

 Illustration Figure Benefits of Ice Cream

In addition, milk in ice cream can also neutralize toxins such as metal or tin in food, preventing colon cancer, beautify the skin, and helps you sleep better. Within a day, the recommended consumption of ice cream about three servings per day (one serving of ice cream weighing 200 grams, or the equivalent of 250 ml of milk). It is recommended not eating too much ice cream servings should exceed the amount of sugar because excess fat can lead to obesity.

Thank you for Reading Articles  Recipes How to Make Ice Cream Without a Machine.

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Finally, Good luck in the kitchen test your pet! 
Thank you for visiting articles Recipe Chocolate ice cream How to Make Your Own At Home.